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Your home lighting can be designed to complement your needs. As your needs change throughout the day, your lighting can adapt as well; bright to read a book, but dim for computer use. Whether you are at home or at work, AV Excellence can provide convenient access to light control, creating a comfortable atmosphere for your activities throughout the day.

 Lighting control systems, allow users the ability to remotely power to individual or groups of lights and devices, operate dimmers, & program space lighting levels.

Today, energy efficiency is a crucial element in every home & business.

LED (Light-Emitting Diode) generate little heat & less energy than traditional bulbs, & are environmentally friendly—containing no mercury or lead . They also last significantly longer (up to 17 years) than traditional incandescent light fixtures.

With switches, you have two choices: on & off, dimmers provide the in-between. Dimming a light 25% equates to 20% savings in energy & typically increases bulb life. Convenient, secure & energy efficient.

 Automated Lighting

Personalized light control system can recall your favorite settings & conveniently transform the light in that particular area. Control your home’s lighting from a master keypad or remote to change your environment with the touch of a button. For rooms with full sunlight, you can integrate a Shading Solution with electric lighting for complete light control. Shades can be preset for different room uses or adjusted for changes in time of day or season.

Contact us today for an appointment.